History | This page is to record the major changes in our website, such as new pages, re-organization, format, etc. We will not record the many minor content changes that occur on individual webpages - these happen almost daily. Note: This website has received a drastic "New Looks" in 2004, 2005, 2007 and in 2017. Website event pages are purposely left to match the website style of the year that the event took place. |
| WEBSITE AWARDS | MISSION STATEMENT | To provide the latest information on upcoming Cowtown Events for our members, including all Meetings, Socials, Charity and Competition events. To provide NCCC SW Region events and various NCCC National events, also including the FCOA and National Corvette Museum. To accurately document the Activities and History of Cowtown Vettes. To provide contact information for our Club, its Officers, Board of Directors & Committee Chairs. To provide charity and community involvement information that Cowtown Vettes participates in throughout the year. To provide listings of national affiliations of Cowtown Vettes. To provide listings of our Club Sponsor and other Vendors which offer Members Discounts on products and services. To Accurately record the history of Cowtown Vettes... over time, there will be information and photos from the past 30 years added to provide a complete history of Cowtown Vettes on the website. The website is formatted for print size rather than screen size, which is a little different than most websites. Our membership (by majority) prefers this format so this is the format we have opted to retain.
| WEBMASTER GOALS | This is Cowtown's Website, the webmaster is just the facilitator to gather and publish content. It is a "VERY RARE" day when something isn't changed on this website - or the webmaster is out of pocket and updates aren't possible. In additional to meeting the goals stated above, it is to provide timely recording of the history of events our members participate in. The target is to have every event posted within 1 to 1-1/2 weeks after the event takes place, complete with photos and information. Due to holidays, vacations and dependency of receiving the information from other members, that timeframe is sometimes not possible. The goal is not to replicate NCCC data which is easily found on our National or SW Region website. These webmasters keep those websites up great and we provide links to enable our members to find that information.
On January 4, 2019, Larry Currey will take over Cowtown's Website; he was elected during the 2019 Officer
On September 21, 2003, the Cowtown Board asked Doug McMahan at the Monthly Board Meeting if he would be interested in becoming Webmaster. At that time the Webmaster position was appointed, not an elected.
At that time, the COWTOWN WEBSITE CONTAINED 17 PAGES and a few hundred photos. Now we have a few thousand more. |
| | page last updated:
12-11-18 |  | | Copyright 1974 thru 2019 by Cowtown Vettes & the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws. The General Motors Trademarks are used with the required express written permission of GM. All Corvette Trademarks and Logos on this site are used under license by Chevrolet Motor Division. Corvette is a registered trademark of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors. Unauthorized use of content from our website is strictly prohibited - Thank You | |