Hosted by Cowtown Vettes 
The 21st Annual Super Speedway Weekend @ Texas Motor Speedway
12 Low-Speed Autocross Events
Event Info
Saturday & Sunday, April 29 & 30, 2017
13 Vettes, 16 Cowtown Participants
Participants & Visitors (also workers)
Kevin & Cathy Anthony
Shane & Justin Dowdy
Robert Geyer
David Gill
Red Greenfeder
Mary Anne Kolb (THT)
Doc Lambert
Ronnie McCrary
Hunter McFarland
Doug & Glenda McMahan
Robbie Schnieder
Larry Shappveld
Raley Smith
Norman Walker
Lonnie Williams
Cowtown and Other Workers for the Weekend's Event
Michelle Aggas John Armes Jason Blocker Bill & Jane Buehler David & Becky Clark Jerry Crim Richard Downing Jim & Donna Forsythe Jack Gandy Rick Garabedian Cydnie Geyer Gary & Gwynne Hanna Donald & Carlanne Hickman Larry & Sylvia Hoaldridge Susan Johnson Jerry & Debbie Lindsey Bob & Cindy Morrison | William Nolan Dan Nord Mary Pittman Robert Pressler Fred Proctor Carol Savage Johnny Shotwell JoAnne Smith Carla Schnieder Don Segreti Robert Smith Tony Sokoloski Mike Tucker Ann Walker Rick & Karen Watson Don Wells Sharon Zschirnt |
Photos labeled RD-04/17 were provided by Richard Downing
Photos labeled RJS-04/17 were provided by Raley & JoAnne Smith
Event Photography labeled
provided by Doug McMahan