Exhibition at Cleburne Air Show - Page 1 of 2 |  | Cleburne Air Show - Exhibition Saturday, July 1, 2017
| | Lastest Info | | If you are receiving this email, it means I have you confirmed for the Air Show, or lunch and Air Show, on Saturday, July 1.
I am purchasing parking passes TOMORROW, so if you aren’t coming, OR, the number of cars changes, please let me know ASAP. Parking is $10 PER CAR. There is no other admission charge.
If you have ANY questions, now or Saturday, PLEASE call me on my cell.
The lunch bunch (MOST of us) will meet at Barrera’s Mexican Restaurant, located at 1649 W Henderson St (Business Hwy 67) in Cleburne, at NOON. They know we’re coming and will be ready for us. It is approximately a 7 minute drive from the restaurant to the airport entrance.
Those NOT having lunch can go to GATE 5, located at 2101 W Kilpatrick (Kilpatrick is also FM 4) at 1 PM. There is a large mailbox by Gate 5 that has Frakes Aviation printed on it. The gate will be manned by Air Show personnel, instead of airport personnel, so I don’t know how much cooperation I can get from them. I’m going to TRY to get them to hold your tickets for you, in case we don’t get there at exactly 1 PM. If they won’t I’ll make sure I get there ASAP, so I can get your tickets to you so you can get in.
I am attaching 4 maps. Some are traditional maps, and some are aerial. They give you general directions as to the part of town we’re in, AND, detailed directions from the restaurant to the airport, as well as exactly where we will park IN the airport.
From the restaurant, go west on West Henderson (Business 67) to Nolan River Road. Turn NORTH (right) onto Nolan River Road. Follow it PAST the entrance to the airport. The NEXT LEFT past the airport is Yellowjacket Road. Yellowjacket Road dead ends into W Kilpatrick (FM 4). Turn LEFT (west) on Kilpatrick. The THIRD gate will be Gate 5, and will have a large mailbox by the road with Frakes Aviation written on it.
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| | Info | | OK, people, I think I finally have enough information for you to make an informed decision about the July 1 Air Show. I am attaching a .pdf of the flyer they printed. On it are lists of things to see and do. I was told they were going to do a hot-air balloon “glow”, but it isn’t on the list. The actual “air show” starts at 4:00 PM and lasts until 10:00 PM (there is going to be a “flying fireworks show” so it has to be completely dark). Gates for the air show open at 3:00 PM, HOWEVER, preshow events (such as all the DISPLAYS) start at 10:00 AM. She said whatever time we wanted to assemble would be good, but she recommended sometime between 12:00 noon and 1:00 PM. For a $10 per car fee, we are basically getting ULTRA V.I.P. Parking! She has a place for us, right up front, VERY close to the V.I.P. grandstands. We can enter through the north end of the airport (it IS secured, and I don’t know how they will be handling gates). I work on the airport, so I can open the gate for you. The gate we will be entering is GATE 5. If you put 2101 W Kilpatrick, Cleburne, into your nav system, it should get you close. Also, because of where they are putting us, we will have access to LEAVE whenever you want. You do NOT have to stay until 10:00 PM if you don’t want to. Also, if you want to come early enough for lunch before setting up, I have a Mexican place in mind. We could meet to eat at noon, and be at the airport by 1:00 PM (it’s a 5 minute drive). I also have a van available that seats 7, if you wanted to park at the airport and then go for lunch. I’m flexible! If you are still interested, please contact me and let me know so I can give a number to the airport manager. If you know of anyone else with a Corvette that would like to come, have them contact me. I can pay her for everyone and get the cards for inside the windshield for you. I will have them to pass out as you arrive. If you have ANY questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail, or call me. | | | | | THE END | |