Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Participants George, Michelle Aggas (3rd Auction) Carol Aggas was in Vegas with us Doug & Glenda McMahan (1st Auction) William Nolan & Mary Pittman (4th Auction) Don & Nancy Wells (2nd Auction) Lewis & Roberta (Wells' Friends attended) Photos labeled provided by Doug McMahan
a beautiful day to enjoy rides in a Corvette |
| NCCC had a live web auction for 4 sets of entries for Spring Mountain; with proceeds to benefit NCCC FCOA |  | |
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 | Arriving at Spring Mountain, about an hour west of Las Vegas | Our group at the entrance to Spring Mountain |  |
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Corvettes everywhere - imagine that ;) |  |  | Our group walking to the Admin building |
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| We enjoyed rides on the Red Course |  | |
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 | Members enjoying the rides with professional drivers - WOW! |  |  |
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 | Lunch afterwards at Pahrump Valley Winery |  |  |
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|  | the mountains in the area still had snow on the peaks | |
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| The group spent the week in Las Vegas; and stayed at Bally's. They enjoyed great food, fun in the casinos, visit to Hoover Dam, tour of Count Kustoms, Exotic Racing, shows like Chris Angel, etc - a fun week | |