To promote personal, club and NCCC activities in your Corvette, while having FUN!
The Cowtown Cruiser Program is an annual program designed to promote Corvette enjoyment, Corvette cruising along with socialization among Cowtown members, above and beyond other club & NCCC activities. Doug McMahan created this program in 2005, very similar to the "HOG ABC's of Touring", a national Harley Davidson program, however; over the years it has been modified significantly to fit Cowtown & Corvettes.
While our monthly socials may include a few cruises for the year, this program is designed to allow you (alone or with a small group) to cruise to your hearts content to rack up points for annual "Cowtown Cruiser Awards." The Cruise, Special Events Chairperson or the Socials Chairperson typically organizes any official Cowtown cruises which also earns points towards for the Cruiser Awards. All "sponsored" Cowtown Cruises must be announced in the Low-Down, on the website and at Meetings - All Members and Prospective Members are all invited to participate.
• The Cowtown Cruiser Program is designed to put you in your Corvette to enjoy some highway, while having fun and representing Cowtown Vettes. This is a Cowtown (non-NCCC sanctioned) program in which you accumulate points during the year towards winning Cowtown Cruiser Awards. See your current Cowtown Low-Down or the Cruiser Chairperson for full details and an Entry Form.
• You will cruise to destinations (as defined by the Cruise Sponsor) and take pictures of you and your Corvette, while holding the current copy of the Official Cruiser Sign beside an "official sign". To locate the required "official signs" you will find yourself cruising lots of miles. When you have enough pictures to satisfy the Award Requirements, you would submit your entry packet to the Cruiser Chairperson and they will validate your points. Cowtown Cruiser Awards will be presented at the Annual Christmas Party / Awards Banquet.
• You can participate in the Cowtown Cruiser program by yourself, with friends, along with any of the officially scheduled Cowtown Cruises. Some cruises may also be associated with Cowtown Socials.
• If you have questions or would like clarifications, please contact our Cruiser Chairperson.
Here's a tip: Start thinking about Cities and Counties that begin with the letter "X - its TOUGH ONE!!!
Cruiser Program (CCP) – 2021 Rules / Guidelines
Click Above Link for most current rules
• A large color copy of the current year Cowtown Cruiser Logo. These are not provided by the Cruise Sponsor and there may not be extras available but you can download them for printing and lamination.
• Roll of masking tape, paper clip or some method to hang the Logo sign on the official sign.
• FRS Radio - it is best if there is at least two in the cruise group, the cruise leader and the the cruiser bringing up the rear.
• Plenty of non-alcoholic drinks – cruising IS NOT the place for alcohol.
• Quick snacks because meals may not be around noon.
• The Cruise Sponsor will have route maps available at the start of each cruise. These may also appear in the Cowtown Low-Down or on the Cowtown Website.
• Any official Cowtown scheduled cruises will be posted in the Cowtown Low-Down, on our Website and announced at the Membership Meetings.
• The published cruise schedule information below is proposed and subject to change.
• Additional cruise information will be posted in the Cowtown Low-Down and on the Cowtown website as it becomes available.
• In case of inclement weather in the direction of the scheduled cruise and unless there is area wide inclement weather forecasted, the cruise will still be held but in a direction which affords better weather and SAFER cruising. Cancellations will be put on the website as early as possible or you can call the Cruise Sponsor. Due to fast changing weather conditions, route changes might not be posted on the Cowtown website.
• If you wish to become a Cruise Sponsor, please contact the Special Events Chairperson with your thoughts and scheduling information. Cruise Sponsors will earn an extra 5 points for that cruise (maximum of 25 points per year). The cruise must be:
• Cruises are to exceed 50 miles** one way, in distance.
• Cruise to be scheduled and announced a minimum of two weeks before cruise date.
• Published to Cowtown members via the Web and/or Low-Down (at minimum) and announced at the Membership Meeting. The starting time & location, ending destination along with any stops along the way should be included.
• Route is to be published / provided for the cruise, a sample form and assistance will be provided to you by the Cruise Chairperson.
• A Cruise sign-in sheet (K&K waiver) will be provided by the Cruise Sponsor - this is the K&K Insurance waiver and if you don't sign it, you do not get credit for the cruise (same rules as an NCCC event and K&K rules)
• If you do not have a digital camera, disposable cameras do work and if you forget one on the sponsored cruises, I'm sure one of our members participating will be more than happy to assist in getting you copies.
• Also remember, these photos are not for a photo contest and only need to contain, the member(s), the official sign and a recognizable portion of the member's Corvette (example). When on group / sponsored cruises, group photos are also acceptable providing the members, the official sign and some member's Corvette is included.
REMEMBER: The CRUISE IS NOT about the destination... IT IS ABOUT what you see along the way!