Some of our GREAT MEMORIES - our Friend Bob Vance July, 6, 1961 to May 14, 2007 click the images below for slideshows (might be slow to load on slow connections)
Bob's Memorial Brick is located in Section 70 at the National Corvette Museum ( NCM) Note: Section 70 is to the right of the main entrance.
 |  | Bill Berryhill located Bob's Brick during his June 2008 trip to the NCM, and shared these photos with us |  | | | | | | A photo of the brick before it was placed - photo by the NCM |  | | | | | |
| Bob's Obituary |  | | | | | Bob at Car Shows |  | | | | | Bob at Competition Events |  | | | | | Bob being Bob |  | | | | | | Friends having lunch at Angelo's on the 21st, after the memorial service | | | | |
In Memory of Bob (contribute if you would like to) Bob Vance was a member of Cowtown as well as three other Corvette clubs. All four clubs have decided to go together to purchase a brick at the National Corvette Museum in memory of Bob. After talking with the museum and looking over brochures, I found there is 12"x12" brick that is $600 (member price) or $650 (non-member price); and a 24"x24" brick that is $2500 (member price) or $2600 (non-member price). I believe Bob was a member of the museum and many of us are, so we should be able to get the member price for either brick. The design on the brick can be up to 6 lines, maximum 16 spaces per line or we can do a custom design. We will be taking donations from all members at the next two membership meetings (June and July) toward the purchase of the brick. Barb and Red Greenfeder have taken their time to make a donation box that will be sitting on the bar at Coors during both monthly meetings. Please feel free to drop your donations in this box. Please make your checks payable to "The National Corvette Museum". If you have any questions, please call me at 817-379-6182 or email me. Thank you all. I know Bob will appreciate this. Karyn Fowler Cowtown Vettes Charity Coordinator 2007 |
| has offered to donate the necessary artwork if a custom design is desired | | | | |
My Memories of Bob (contribute if you would like to) | "What a RUSH - but you guys are nuts" as he crawled out of our Autocross Vette after taking a spin in the passenger's seat. He had a similar comment on the way back from Eureka Springs in the fall of 2005... of course he was trying to eat breakfast while following us down Hwy 23 in his '96 (6-speed). Bob, Good Friend - you'll never be forgotten and we are going to miss ya!!!! ...Doug & Glenda McMahan | | At certain times in our lives we come in to contact with a very unique person that really touches us. Bob was just that type of person. The one thing that I always noticed he would give me a hug and talk to me with undivided attention, like you were the most important person around. We took our two sons to Bob's house for the Cowtown Social. Our sons were totally impressed with Bob and all his toys. Chris always dreams of becoming wealthy after law school and owning a Ferrari. After that night Bob would always greet Ted and I and ask about our son Chris and his process in college and getting ready for Law School. I think we are all spent special people that touch are lives and it does not matter how long you knew them but that you made the connection. ...Ted & Linda Anthony | | One of my favorite memories of Bob was back in 2005. It ws during the progressive dinner, and his home was the final course, which was the dessert home. Anyway, I remember him talking about his cars and what his plans were for them, as far as future shows and so forth. He was a gracious host as he spoke with everyone. I will always remember his endearing smiles and chuckles. He was always very friendly and polite to anyone and everyone who came into contact with him. He had a zest for life and a love of corvettes, that I, quite frankly, admired. He will surely be missed. Bob was a true lover of the sport of Open Road Racing and it showed. I don't think I ever saw him without a smile on his face. The image of him smiling and laughing as he would speak at the podium is what I will remember. ...Sheila Plowman | | Bob Vance, what a guy! We will certainly miss him, his smile, and his “firm” handshake. Bob was a regular in the CTV display at the Fort Worth Rod & Custom Car show for several years – the “waxer” version of Bob was equal to his “speed” version. Bob had a kindred relationship with Rolf Krueger, a member of CTV who also was taken much too young due to a heart attack. Bob expressed to me several times that he sure missed talking with Rolf. Dorothy, Rolf’s widow, allowed me to take several of Rolf’s books to donate back to CTV through the monthly 50/50 raffle and she provided a couple of pictures –I made sure those of the Ferrari were given to Bob – and he was elated that he received something of Rolfs. Now Bob and Rolf are together and probably telling Corvette stories, along with Jim Rachel, another CTV “waxer” taken much too soon. We miss you guys, save a place for the rest of us – but don’t expect us for a long time!!!!!!!! ...Doc Lambert | | Bob, you were the car guy. We will all miss you so much. You have no idea how many friends you had who are at a loss. Thank you for being our friend. Love you and we will always be thinking of you. ...James & Kim West | | We appreciated his giving spirit and enthusiasim fort he things we valued and shared. …Dr. Royce Lummus | | Bob will be dearly missed. He will be remembered as always having a smile on his face and making everyone feel welcome. He was loved. …David & Laurie Robbins | | We will always remember Bob’s smile. …Karl & Audrey Sammuel | | Bob was one of my best friends. We had some great times and he will be truly missed. I know he is up there telling the lord all about Corvettes and such. God Bless. …Jack and Karla Gandy | | As new members of Cowtown we had just begun to know Bob Vance. As he no doubt did with everyone, he introduced himself at one of our first meetings and was a very friendly guy. We had an opportunity to bond more at a recent car show we were both in and he expressed interest in a recent dive trip I had taken. Although he had made an attempt at diving before, he said he wanted to try again. At dinner after a recent meeting he told us of plans he had with another club member to order two C-7s when they came out and make a major cross country trip and explore America. As I thought back about Bob this last week, these two things stood out in my mind. There are those who would say these were examples of unrealized dreams. My version of these are a little different. Unfortunately, I didn’t know Bob all that well yet, but I was planning on a better, longer relationship. To me, it seems he had a nice balance of dreams and reality. He was, as everyone knows, an active club member, who loved his cars and all they could do. He owned and loved great automobiles. He was a regular open road racer and obviously loved every minute of the time he spent preparing and racing. In my opinion, maybe more important than his current activities, was the fact that he wasn’t just “status-quo”. He continued to expand his horizon and dream of swimming with whales, cross-country trips, and who knows what else. We need to take something positive from his life, and this is what I choose to take with me. Love your life every day, live every day as it might be your last, dream of new things, and plan to implement those dreams. You only go around once in life, you HAVE to do it right. …Bill Buehler | | Bob you will be missed!!! …John & Jan Brefczynski | | Bob, your laughter and jokes will make for great memories. …Red & Barb Greenfeder | | When Craig and started to show our C-6, Bob was there to “hand hold” us through the process. He was our “go to” guy and he encouraged us to get more involved. We had hoped to see him out on the track…guess it will be that one road that never ends…! We will miss him down here! …Craig & Laura Satterfield | | Our deepest sympathy to the Vance Family. …David & Patricia Gill | | Bob, your cheerful smile will truly be missed. Thanks for making our lives better by us knowing you. …Roy & Mary Allen | | That charming, mischievous smile, the big bear hugs, the unwavering attention he gave…wait a minute, I specifically remember a time when we didn’t have Bob’s full attention. It was just before a meeting at the Coors facility, I thought Bob was engrossed in a “Corvette” conversation with a group of us when five Coors girls walked in front of the glass windows heading towards the parking lot. They were scantily clad and Bob was out the door faster than if he was on an ORR course. I’m not sure I saw Bob the rest of that meeting. Yep, that love of the finer things in life will be something I will remember Bob for. I will also remember Bob for taking me and Bobby under his wing at our first ORR. The compassion he had when we weren’t able to fulfill a recent car show commitment. I too remember the Progressive dinner at his home/ bachelor pad (he really had the set up). Bob exemplified kindness for everyone he touched, a certain humility and hilarity for life. During Bob’s services, Marty Laye talked about how we are all better for having known Bob. A man who had a tolerance for what we all too often think is intolerable. Marty went on to talk about Bob’s balance in life and how we should take a lesson from Bob…and in any given situation you should ask yourself WWBD (What would Bob do)? What a privilege it has been to be in the presence of someone of Bob’s caliber yet so saddened that such a special person has been stripped from us much too soon. I truly believe Bob would want us to celebrate his life and his lessons …Manda Gorman | | " I feel the need to kick someone's butt in Poker!". That line was usually in the e-mail somewhere announcing the next poker game at Bob's house. Hooters at 6:00 for a few before-game activities (somehow my hot dog and 1 beer ended up costing me 27.00!!), then on to Bob's. Someone would bring an AC/DC or NickelBack or some other loud dvd (I never could find an ABBA dvd to bring) to play on his big screen which he FINALLY got put up after several years of us looking at a cardboard box hanging from the ceiling that was saving the place for the real projection equipment. "Who brought the lime almonds? They SUCK!!!". And the talk always went down hill from there, but in a nice way. 7 card stud, Dr Pepper, baseball, "the planes are flying!!", chase the b*&ch. Who is going to mix Bob's next drink? "Can I have one of your beers?". Good memories of a good guy. ...Walt Z. | | Just a few weeks ago I read a story about the “Lion of Fallujah”. There was a quote by Navy chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Scott Radetski: “You can shed a tear because he is gone or smile because he lived.” I feel that most of us will smile because Bob lived and was our friend. I only wish I could have known him longer. ...Hector M Sandoval | | Bob Vance happened to be one of the very first members of Cowtown Vettes that I met. He and I became close friends and I will always miss him. Bob's personality rubbed off on everyone. His cup of Life was always half full rather than half empty. Thanks to Bob I was introduced to Open Road Racing a few years ago. Since I personally never had interest in Autocross, I became very much interested in the challenge of Open Road and participate each year. The Club lost a great young human being. All of us should carry something in our lives that we learned from BV. Stan Briney | |