The Show Awards
 | Custom Awards were designed and presented for this year's show
Per tradition: the 2013 Best of Show Winner was featured on all Awards; along with the T-Shirts |  |
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 | everyone was gravitating to the awards presentation area by 2 PM |  |
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| Jane & Pat handled the door prize & raffle drawing. The winner of the 50/50 drawing rec'd a very nice win! |  | |
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|  | Craig announced the winners and Jack presented the awards | |
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| Don Schmerse accepting the special 2014 Plaque which features his '62 Fuelie; for being the 2013 Best of Show |  | |
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| 2014 AWARD WINNERS | |
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Best Paint - Dana Webb with his 1974 Blue Coupe |  |  | Best Interior - Terry Walker with his 2002 Speedway White C5 Convertible |
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|  | Best Engine - Dominic Costanzo with his 2006 Machine Silver Convertible | |
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David Gill (proxy) for Streetside Classics presented the Sponsor's Award to Dana Webb with his 1974 Blue Coupe |  |  | Cowboy Chicken presented the Manager's Award to Dominic Costanzo with his 2006 Machine Silver Convertible |
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BEST OF SHOW for 2014
 | 1962 Custom Custom Roadster
owned by Bruce & Deb Allen |  |
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We hope to see you all at the 14th Annual Corvette Show in 2015 |
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