The National Awards Banquet |
| From 6-7pm was social time with drinks and hor de | |
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| a good turnout for the awards banquet tonight | |
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| | Donald photo bombing, imagine that :) | |
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| The traditional head table; a little backwards tonight since the elected officers typical sit on the top row - the tables were setup wrong | |
NCCC Nat'l Elected Officers not in attendance this year - VP of Membership, Steve Johnson |
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President Hal Belamy & wife Mary | VP of Competition, Dale Samuelson & wife Carolyn | Secretary, Cathy Brisbois & husband Gary | Treasurer, Jean Morrison |
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Parliamentarian, Jim Walton & wife Claudine | Business Manager, Jack Wilson & wife Janice | Director of Public Relations, Doug McMahan & wife Glenda | Sargent at Arms, Jeannie Ruston and husband Ron |
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NCCC Nat'l Appointed Officers not in attendance this year - FCOA Director, Pat Kelly |
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Director of Publications, Sylvia Hoaldridge | Director of Charities, Patrick Dolan | Director of Sponsorship, Debbie Lindsey | Webmaster, Joan Thomas and kids (each side) |
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Distribution Manager, Larry Higgins and partner | 2014 Convention Chair Deb Murphy & Co-Chair Denny Murphy | 2014 Convention Treasurer, Bernyce Molenda | 2015 Convention Chair, Dave Wolters and wife Sally |
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On with the National Awards |
| Glenda accepting the 2014 NKF 100%er for Cowtown Vettes | | |
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| | Gary Brisbois accepting the Cornhusker's 1st Place Newsletter Award | |
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| 2nd Place Website went to Route 66 Corvette Club, accepting is Tom Reitz | | |
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| | the 1st Place Website went to Cowtown Vettes, accepting is Glenda & Doug McMahan | |
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Top Competitor (Convention Events), Carolyn Samuelson | | | The Past President's Award was presented to Capt. Jack Alexander |
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| The Roger Clancy Humanitarian Award & Don Hoskin's Award was awarded to Richard Yanko | | |
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Sylvia accepting her permanent award for being the 2013 President's Award | | | The 2014 President's Award was presented to Roger Mitchell (SWR) |
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| The Raffle Tickets are in the tubmler | The Raffle ticket for the 2014 Stingray was drawn and while it was an NCCC Member, it wasn't anyone we knew | |
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