Sunday , May 23, 2010 - 3-6pm
sponsored by

22 Vettes,
31 Cowtown Members showing &
numerous other members came out to enjoy the day
Event Info Page
Participants Showing / Displaying
Carolyn & Richard Adkins
John & Cory Armes
Don & Karyn Fowler
David & Patricia
Gill (2 Vettes)
Jack & Karla Gandy
Gary Hanna & Gwynne Horton
Donald & Carolanne Hickman (2 Vettes)
Phil & Barbara Higbee
Mary Anne Kolb (THT visitor)
Doc Lambert
Don Littlefield
Shaun Lowrey & Chelsey Yandrick
Kerry & Nancy McGovern
Doug & Glenda McMahan
Craig Murphy
Bob & Marlene Pattillo (SJCC /
TMCC visitors)
& Margaret Proctor
Fred & Donna Rosett
Don & Nancy Wells
Walt & Sharon Zschirnt
numerous other visitors
Photos labeled DL were provided by
Doc Lambert
Photos labeled FP
were provided by Fred Proctor
Photos labeled
were provided by
Doug & Glenda McMahan