Saturday, March 10, 2007
Cowtown Cruiser
Program (CCP)
Photos labeled RD-03/07 were
provided by Richard Downing
Event Photography labeled
was provided by Doug & Glenda McMahan
There was a small turnout, with seven Members and two guests participating
- we knew it would be small based on comments from several
about it being too far for a one-day drive, others stated
their car wasn't comfortable enough for that distance, and
Richard Downing
Tom & Donna McHenry
Doug & Glenda McMahan
Todd Reinders and Karina Gilliland (visitors)
Don & Nancy Wells
...and I broke my own Cruisin' slogan -
"The CRUISE IS NOT about the destination... IT IS ABOUT what
you see along the way!!!"
did have a destination on this cruise