That DAM Cruise I have decided to slip the subject event to Tuesday, August 16, 2016. We don't need to rush ourselves and this will provide me time to make a run up there and maybe avoid some confusion or mistaken turns. Nothing like 9 cars full of people wondering where they're headed and wondering if #10 is senile. Yes, 10 cars have indicated they are going: Carol Savage Don Segreti John/Nancy Dick Don/Carlanne Hickman George Aggas Kevin/Kathy Anthony Ray Kaspar Johnny Shotwell Ronnie/Connie McCrary David/Pat Gill I agonized over an assembly area and have decided on something novel. My decision avoids ALL Metroplex traffic and obviates the need for ANYONE to go out of their way just to start the cruise. We will meet at the QT at US75 and Wilmeth Road in McKinny, Tx at 9:30a on the 16th. Doing this avoids the toll road controversy, too. This bridge I mentioned at the meeting spans Texas (1 point per entry) and Oklahoma (2 points per entry) and could also end up a short cut to the Choctaw Casino if any of us are so inclined. We could literally park in Texas and walk to Oklahoma. The bridge has a walkway. I will also take you to Eisenhower's birthplace in Denison. On our return home, I plan to stop in Sherman and capture an historic landmark in Sherman. It is a marker of the Butterfield stage route. Rather than collect 2 points for Denison, Tx, I plan to tootle on up to Durant, Ok, and collect 3 points. Don't forget radios (8.1), insect repellant, sunscreen, and a small helping of adventure. We will have to avoid a washed out highway. If anyone else wishes to join us or if I accidentally omitted someone, please respond to my personal email with your email address. For those already on the list, I need your email address, too. This serves as the last message on this subject addressed to "CTV-ALL." Do NOT respond to this message. Save the wave dg (817) 247-3553