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Sunday, July 30, 2006

NOTE: This page not only provides a somewhat sequential view of the trip and activities, spawning off to other pages for various activities, but it also provides some misc. trip pictures that aren't found on other pages

Photos labeled BCM-07/06 were taken / provided by Bob & Cindy Morrison

Photos labeled DL-07/06 were taken / provided by Doc Lambert

Photos labeled Visit MACs Digital Art & Photography Website provided by Doug & Glenda McMahan

Our Cruise Home from Vettes on the Rockies


We made it to Colorado Springs, Co that evening before calling it a night  

Seven Falls, Co

Seven Falls cascades 181 feet in seven distinct steps down a solid cliff of pikes peak granite. Crystal clear water from the southern most edges of the Pikes Peak watershed have, over the ages, carved this  unique scenic masterpiece in an easily accessed location - click on URL for more info


one reason for stopping in Colorado Springs for the night was to take the 12 minute drive out to Seven Falls before heading back to Texas.  We got in our stair climbing that morning, all 224 steps up and then back down - awesome views of the waterfall along the way

This tree wasn't big enough to drive a car thru but it had to be one of the largest Ponderosa Pines I have ever seen, estimated at over 400 years old.


gee... we couldn't resist another CCP point - they are everwhere


Cruisin' On Home

We new that a late start from Seven Falls would put us home late but, it is very hard to leave that beautiful country

The mountains started fading out of the horizon and the land became flater ...they grew fainter and fainter

A state line marker for another CCP point

Glenda grabbing another CCP point as well, the last for this crusin trip

a look in the rear view mirror as the sun was setting - it warranted a stop for a better photo
The McMahan party arrived home in the 1am timeframe on Tuesday morning - getting up to head to work at 5am was a tough one



Please email additional photos and information to Doug McMahan

Copyright 1974-2006 by Cowtown Vettes and the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

Unauthorized use of our material is strictly prohibited!

Last Updated: 08-11-06