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VETTES ON THE ROCKIES - 33RD - 7/27-30/06 - PAGE 1 OF 1

CTV Participants

Bob & Cindy Morrison

Doug & Glenda McMahan

Red & Barb Greenfeder

CTV Visitors

Cassie, Jason and Andrew Handlin

Michael McDonald

Photos labeled BCM-07/06 were taken / provided by Bob & Cindy Morrison

Photos labeled DL-07/06 were taken / provided by Doc Lambert

Photos labeled Visit MACs Digital Art & Photography Website provided by Doug & Glenda McMahan

The Leadville, Colorado and Southern Railroad

The Morrisons and Greenfeders took the train to enjoy the scenery on their way to VOTR

Their slogan "It's not the destination, but the journey that's important" is very similar to Doug's CCP slogan: "The cruise is NOT about the destination... IT IS ABOUT what you see along the way!"


A few shots aboard the train, which included open and closed cars


Over the Passes

Well folks... some roads just aren't meant for Corvettes!!!  ...that is when you park the Vette, rent a Jeep and go 4-Wheelin'


Vail, Co

The McMahan party took Thursday mid-day trip up to Vail and enjoy the town
When we left Texas, our flowers were all but dead due to 20+ days of no rain - here the flowers looked as if it were still Spring.

These flowers were almost the color of pearl Doug used on their C5 paintjob

Yep, you guessed it, another CCP cruiser stop Cassie & Jason standing next to some very pretty flowered vines outside a restaurant in downtown Vail 

Andrew staring at the claws on the big bronze statue of a bear

the hummingbirds were abundant amongst the flowers

a view down I-70 as we left Vail, Co

the rain clouds were rolling in - typical afternoon in Co. we left Frisco, on Hwy 9, heading back to Breckenridge, this '58 settled in on our rear bumper

Dillon Reservoir - just South of Frisco, Co


Another monument at located at the summit above the reservoir


Frisco, as viewed from up on the Summit

Looking NW from the Summit


Another view of Frisco from the trail up at the Summit

Looking to the West, you can see I-70 twisting thru the mountains


back down the mountain, at the Breckenridge end of the reservoir


Thursday Night Dinner & Entertainment


Please email additional photos and information to Doug McMahan

Copyright 1974-2006 by Cowtown Vettes and the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

Unauthorized use of our material is strictly prohibited!

Last Updated: 08-10-06