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CTV Participants

Bob & Cindy Morrison

Glenda McMahan

Red & Barb Greenfeder

CTV Visitors

Jason and Andrew Handlin

Michael McDonald

Photos labeled BCM-07/06 were taken / provided by Bob & Cindy Morrison

Photos labeled DL-07/06 were taken / provided by Doc Lambert

Photos labeled Visit MACs Digital Art & Photography Website provided by Doug & Glenda McMahan

Pike's Peak, Co


Rather than drive up Pike's Peak, the Morrisons and Greenfeders opted to ride the COG railway which is operated out of Manitou, Co.

The barn where the cars are stored

a view out the front of the car as they departed


An awesome ride up to the top, allowing you plenty of opportunity for photos along the way.

Crystal Lake is the lake you see surrounded by mountains

back in 1889 when the effort was started, they must have been paying the workers in moonshine by the looks of the track You pass the Continental Divide on the way up - this is one of the markers
Cindy keeping warm while visiting the high altitude

...and just how far can you see from the top of the 14,110' mountain - the answer: A LONG WAY!!!


<-The COG awaited while people explored

Bob standing next to the original Summit House ->

  The Monument included the words for "America The Beautiful"  
Red, Barb, Cindy & Bob in front of the Summit Sign So, were you guys trying to figure out why the pen was so small or what?
Mountain Goats - where else but in the mountains?

snow still existed in some areas of the mountains


Deer ...did you ever wonder: if they call goats that live in the mountains "mountain goats", then why aren't these called mountain deer?



Some of the McMahan group drove up Pike's Peak on Sunday evening, in the Yukon of course - a good decision since ots only paved about half way up and some of it is a rally bad rub-board road


Seven Falls, Co


Please email additional photos and information to Doug McMahan

Copyright 1974-2006 by Cowtown Vettes and the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

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Last Updated: 08-06-06