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Saturday & Sunday, July 15-16, 2006

7 Lo-Speed Events on the infield track at Texas Motor Speedway

Photos labeled RD-07/06 were taken / provided by Richard Downing

Photos labeled Visit MACs Digital Art & Photography Website provided by Doug McMahan

The Saturday Night Dinner

Don Wells ('06 Socials Chairperson) handled Friday Hospitality and Saturday's Dinner
Sylvia Hoaldridge handled the Goodie Bags along with the door prizes

Karl Samuel won the Mid-America Leather Tote Bag

After dinner many sat around to visit and discuss the price of gasoline, amongst other things


Sunday Morning

Sunday morning, Glenda & Doug captured their Cowtown Cruiser (CCP) point for the event while awaiting the gate to the infield to open


Most of the entrants 'teched' on Friday night

A few new entrants were left to 'tech' on Sunday morning




Please email additional photos and information to Doug McMahan

Copyright 1974-2006 by Cowtown Vettes and the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

Unauthorized use of our material is strictly prohibited!

Last Updated: 08-02-06