LOCATION : Chris & Darlene
Sullivan's home (Keller) - Appetizers
Bill & Diane Berryhill’s home (Watauga) - Main dish & Salads
Bob Vance’s home (Hurst) - Desserts
Time: 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Cost : <to be divided up at the end of the dinner>
Menu : Main Course - Hamburgers & Hot Dogs.
Please bring food to go with a great summer cook out.
Tea & water will be available at each house. If you
want soda or alcohol, please bring your favorite with you.
WHAT TO BRING: If your last
name starts with
A-G - bring a desert
H-M - bring a side dish (beans, potato salad, relish
tray, vegetables, etc.)
N-Z - bring an appetizer
We will be able to go swimming at the Beryhill's and at
The evening will start out at
the Sullivan’s
home with appetizers from 2:00-3:00 pm.
Next we will caravan to
the Berryhill’s for the main course (3:30-5:00pm)
Then on to Bob’s for
dessert (5:30-8:00pm).
Also please bring your folding chairs, sunscreen, towels,
Please email
additional photos and information to Doug McMahan