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Saturday, April 10, 2005

3 Low-Sped Autocross Events in Wichita Falls, TX

Cowtown had 11 Vettes and 20 Members that participated in the event.

CTV Racers

Kevin & Cathy Anthony

Bobbie & Manda Gorman (new members/CTV racers)

Larry & Sylvia Hoaldridge

Doug Hodde (new member/CTV racer)

Jim & Leslie Hollinsworth

Brittany Lewis (Dependant Member / new CTV racer)

Bruce & Yvette Lewis

Doug & Glenda McMahan

Paul & Viola Meyers

Roger & Nelda Mitchell

Bob & Cindy Morrison

Walt Zschirnt

Photos labeled SH-04/05 taken by Sylvia Hoaldridge

Photos labeled MACs-04/05 taken by Glenda or Doug McMahan


Your Cowtown Racing Team for Sunday's Autocrosses


Anthony, Meyers, Morrison & McMahan's Vettes

Some of the Cowtown group looking on and discussing the course
A look around the track as people walked the course and final preparations where made
We staged our Vettes in the run-off area at the end of the 1/8th mile drag strip  

Doug & Glenda McMahan - '93 Convertible


Click for a short QuickTime Video - Dial-up will be SLOW TO LOAD  



Please email additional photos and information to Doug McMahan

Copyright 1974-2006 by Cowtown Vettes and the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

Unauthorized use of our material is strictly prohibited!

Last Updated: 04-19-05