THEME: “What I Saw Along The Way” GUIDELINES: The photo(s) does not have to have you or your Vette in it (although it is desired). Needs to be photo(s) you have taken while cruisin with your Vette …the photo(s) can be of anything you found interesting along the way – no limitations other than non-vulgar …and yes, for this contest, we will even count photos taken if you trailered your Vette. Winner will be selected by MOST POPULAR Member Vote (by photo number on voting slip) at the December 2nd Membership Meeting Your Photo(s) MUST BE provided to Doug PRIOR to the start of the December 2nd Membership Meeting so they can be added to the Contest Board - which will be displayed at the Bar. The Voting slips will be passed out, one slip per person and they will be counted by a couple of CTV members which do not have a photo in the contest. The Contest Winner and AWARD will be presented at the Christmas Party / Awards Banquet on December 17, 2005
2005 Contest Entries and WINNER
. Please email information to Doug McMahan |